Days 8 - 15

Day 8 – Thursday, October 8th
I went for a walk with friends and then bought ice cream. Counter productive. I know :P

Purchases: $5.99
Final for the day Under by $1.14
To date Under by $4.89

Day 9 - Friday, October 9th
Mom, Dad, Aaron and I drove to Alberta.

Breakfast from Tim Hortons: $7.34
Lunch and snacks from Smitty’s: $18.35
Purchases: $25.69
Final for the day Over by $18.56
To date Over by $13.67

Day 10 - Saturday, October 10th
I went grocery shopping with Mom and Aunty Candace and then we drove up to Red Deer for my Uncle’s 60th birthday party.
CandyLand Game: $11.40
Tim Hortons: $1.67
George’s Pizza & Steak
House: $30.51
Purchases: $45.38
Final for the day Over by $36.45
To date Over by $50.12

Day 11 - Sunday, October 11th
One of my goals for this trip was to buy a winter coat. In BC I can get away without having one. In New York and Ontario I’ll need one. I’m not including the purchase of the coat in my daily limit because it was budgeted for separately. I will include the rest of my purchases that day though. The whole family went to the new mall in Balzac and entered via the Bass Pro Shop…Dad’s new Mecca LOL
Yogen Fruz (treated Brittany and Candace as a thank you for helping me find my
coat: $13.17
Starbucks: $3.20
Fudge from the Bass Pro Shop: $5.98
Purchases: $22.35
Final for the day Over by $15.22
To date Over by $65.34

Day 12 - Monday, October 12th
Monday we celebrated Thanksgiving and I didn’t realize until writing this that I never left the house!

Purchases: $0.00
Final for the day Under by $7.13
To date Over by $58.21

Day 13 - Tuesday, October 13th
Driving home.
Lunch at ABC: $10.00
Drink for the road: $3.25
Purchases: $13.25
Final for the day Over by $6.12
To date Over by $64.33

Day 7 - Wednesday, October 7th
Typical Wednesday, Starbucks after church.

Purchases: $3.15
Final for the day Under by $3.98
To date Over by $60.35

Day 8 - Thursday, October 8th
Met Mere for lunch

Purchases: $9.54
Final for the day Over by $2.41
To date Over by $62.76